
音标/读音 ['vi:nl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 可收买的, 贪污的, 用金钱买得的
[经] 贪污的

s capable of being corrupted



I don't regard the attempt to do something with it as venal.


He's a venal beast of the first order.


He's a venal prick, but the 75's worth it.

他就是个贪婪的* 但七千五百也值了

It's more venal selling ourselves as governesses when we find it such a trial.

我们发现这么做的挑战性如此巨大 宣传自己家庭教师的身份 益处会更多

It seems I had underestimated the boundless depths of your venality.

我似乎低估了 你們貪戀錢財的程度了

Alien technology being used against us by a venal conspiracy of men against humanity.

外星科技正被用来对抗人类 这是一个贪赃枉法 违背人道的人类阴谋

Alien technology being used against us, not by aliens, not with aliens, but by a venal conspiracy of men against humanity.

外星科技正被用来攻击人类 幕后黑手不是外星人 也无关外星人 而是一个贪赃枉法 违背人道的人类阴谋

Look, I came to this town 'cause I wanted a challenge, but even I was thrown by the venality on display.

听着 我来这是为了挑战自己 但我也被这*裸的唯利是图惊到了