
音标/读音 [.disә'fekʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 不满, 不平, 背叛
[法] 挑唆背判, 离判, 不满

n. disloyalty to the government or to established authority



The locals all strike the same disaffected front.


The guy was obviously a disaffected employee.


Disaffected peculiars tired of living in loops.

有些异能者厌倦了时光圈内的生活 心生不满

I would have thought the sure way of doing that was to prevent disaffection at home.

实现这个目标最可靠的办法 不就是防止国民*吗

But I am determined to omit no precautions for preserving the public peace, and for counteracting the designs of the disaffected.

但我决定不采取任何预防措施 去维系公共和平 去对抗那些恶徒的设计

His fellow conspirators, including disaffected members of the armed services, had illegal oaths in their pockets.

他的同謀 包括心懷不滿的軍人 口袋里都有非法誓言

Where they seek the reverent and the wealthy, we seek the bold and disaffected, but we are willing to accept the fearful just the same.

他们寻找的是虔诚的信徒和富裕的人 而我们寻找的是英勇无谓的人 同时 我们也愿意接纳那些恐惧的人