
音标/读音 ['miltәn]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 米尔顿(男子名, 英国诗人)

n. English poet; remembered primarily as the author of an epic poem describing humanity's fall from grace (1608-1674)



Milton, you might have to run that by me.

米尔顿 你可能得先过我这关

Milton, I think he would have been happier with a rattle.

米尔顿 我想他会更乐意收到一个拨浪鼓

Milton, where'd you put that... I had a warrant somewhere.

米尔顿 你放哪里了 我放在哪里了

Miltons owned this whole neighborhood back when it was farmland.

这片街区当年还是农田时 就已归米尔顿家族所有

Milton is very far from home, but it is quite an interesting and modern sort of place.

米尔顿是离家很远 但这里是个有趣现代的地方