
音标/读音 [ri:'waind]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 重绕
n. 重绕
[计] 反绕



So I rewind, expand, and look at this.

所以我倒带放大了画面 你看这里

They're like videos, but you don't have to rewind them.

和录像带差不多 但你不需要倒带

And my brain keeps rewinding it over and over again.


If you rewind the tape, you'll see it.

如果你把录像带倒回去 你也看得到

Then I tried to save it with the rewind bit.

然后我开始倒带 来收回我说过的话

Could you rewind? I'd like to see them dormant again.

可以倒回去吗 我想再看看它们的休眠状态

I think I'll skip the rest of the rewind.

剩下的時光倒流 就跳過吧

Let's rewind the tape so we can all see for ourselves.

我们倒转录像带 一起自己看清楚

If you need a rewind, make an effort.

如果你想要一切重来 那你得努力才行了

See if you can rewind the coordinates.
