
音标/读音 ['mɒkәsin]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 鹿皮鞋, 软帮鞋
[医] 噬鱼蝮蛇, 水生噬鱼蝮蛇

n. soft leather shoe; originally worn by Native Americans



The cloggasins have the heft of a clog, but the softness of a moccasin.

木底软帮鞋既有木底的重量 但像软帮鞋一样软

He also complimented these moccasins, which are also controversial around here.

他还赞美了我的莫卡辛[鹿皮鞋]呢 而在这里只会被你们耻笑

One of her goons tried to grind my hand into a moccasin.


It is pouring rain and you are wearing your suede driving moccasins.

雨这么大 而且你还穿着 麂皮莫卡辛鞋

See how much you make walking around in moccasins.


So first we gave her those beautiful moccasins, and when she found out they were made of goat skin, she was totally fine with death.

我们先给了她一双漂亮的莫卡辛皮鞋 她发现鞋是山羊皮做的时候 她觉得死亡也没什么了