
音标/读音 ['waidniŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[计] 拓宽, 拓展

n. an increase in width
n. the act of making something wider



With each spa*, the cervix widens a little.

每次宫缩 宫颈口都会扩大一点

As the crater widens, seawater pours into it.

随着火山口扩大 海水从火山口涌入

I'm going to try and widen the range.


We widened the doors, *oothed off the edges.

我们加宽了门 磨平了边缘

I know it's about the kid, but you could widen the spotlight.

我知道重点是这孩子 但你能扩大聚光灯

Another is marked by a widening crack.


All right, widen it out a couple of blocks.

好 将搜索范围再扩大几个街区

Maybe it widened some other cracks that were already there.

也许它让一些原本就有的裂缝 变得更宽了

If I'd thought that I would've widened the investigation.

如果我那么想的话 早就扩大调查范围了

You should widen your search to everyone in the empire.
