
音标/读音 [rɒil]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 搅浑, 使焦急

v. make turbid by stirring up the sediments of



I canna render judgment with a roiling gut.

我的肠道一直在翻滚 没法进行宣判

The city is constantly roiled by conflict between the common people and the nobility.

罗马城内 普通民众 和贵族之间纷争不断

Good, now take my hand and I'll walk you through this roiling zombie horde.

真棒 现在拉着我的手 我带你穿过这群僵尸

this democratic debate, which is roiling across this country, it is a political question, not legal.

这次席卷全国的 *的辩论 是*而不是法律问题

Instead a fire grows deep within me that burns and roils and leaps for thee.

*填膺难抑制 撕咬挣扎欲出击

But to the person depressed, it is an active state of roiling pain from the tip of your hair to the bottom of your feet.

但对于抑郁的人来说 那是一种从发梢到脚底的 剧烈疼痛状态

The ships of finance sail upon roiling seas, with hidden shoals of junk debt, squalls of undercapitalisation and tsunamis of the false value index.

金融的船只驶在翻腾的海面上 到处隐藏着坏债的浅滩 呼啸着资本不足的狂风 还有风险指数的龙卷风