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◎ 单词释义

n. 防擦索
v. 给船装龙骨;倾覆(keel的ing形式)

v walk as if unable to control one's movements


1. Don't want you keeling over after you take this.


2. You can't be keeling over during a debate contest.


3. they wouldn't be thinking about me keeling over dead.

就不会想到我 是个快死的人

4. I'm afraid he might keel over before I get him off.

我怕还没帮他脱罪 他就已经撑不住了

5. he sort of keeled over and then crashed through the railings.

然后倒着摔了下去 摔过了围栏

6. If she pukes, gags or keels over, we stop eating.

如果她呕吐 窒息或翻身 我们就别吃了

7. What happened? Is he all right? I dunno, he just keeled over.

怎么回事 他还好吗 我不知道 他就这么晕了

8. It's awful. and just started spraying and keeled over and that was it.

我们太没人性了 然后他开始喷漆 然后他就晕倒了 就是这样

9. The team was, you know, on a downward keel, if you will.


10. Old guy was playing cards when he keeled over.

