
音标/读音 ['sedɪm(ə)nt]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 沉渣, 沉淀物;沉淀;[地质学]沉积物
vt., vi. (使)成沉积物(或沉渣);(使)沉积:

v deposit as a sediment
v settle as sediment



It's got its own strength and because of that, rather than as the water comes through, rather than it just washing the clay down into the sinkholes below, it stays there and it builds up, so you get a much thicker sequence of sediment and not just that, sediment with some strength to it.

使它有强度 正因为这点 水不是直接流过 不是冲刷黏土 到下面的天坑 而是留在原处不断累积 所以形成更厚的一系列沉积物 不仅仅如此 还是有强度的沉积物

Best guess is from work we've done with the sediments where we've done radiocarbon dating to actually see how old these sediments are, and we know that they are at least 10,000 years old, so that collapse is probably 10,000 years old at a minimum.

根据我们对这里的沉积物所做的 放射性碳年代测定的结果 我们就能猜出这些沉积物的年龄 我们得知 沉淀物至少已经存在了一万年 所以塌陷最少也是一万年前的事了

It has to have the same sediment, larvae, archaea, helminths.

那里必须有相同的沉积物 幼虫 古生菌 蠕虫

Yeah, but the sediment distribution doesn't match.


Here, there's a sediment that is drifting down from above, cloaking the surface of the reef.

这里是一块从上面飘下来的沉淀物 覆盖在珊瑚礁的表面

But then three years ago, that sediment disappeared.

但三年前 这些沉积物却消失了

You'll notice, because it's organic, there's a lot of sediment at the bottom of your glass.

你能注意到 因为它是有机的 所有你的杯底会有很多沉淀物

Its real meaning hidden beneath the sediment of lies and falsehoods.

它的真实意思隐藏在 无数谎言之下

The area is filled with loose sediments, less suitable for skyscrapers.

这片区域被稀松的沉积物所填满 因此相对不适合建摩天大楼

Given the sediment on the bones, some time in the last eight weeks.

根据骨质中的沉淀物来看 在八周以内吧