
音标/读音 ['ɒnist]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 诚实的, 坦直的, 可靠的

a. not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent
s. without dissimulation; frank
s. without pretensions
s. marked by truth



I'll be honest with you if you're honest with me.

如果你待我以诚 我也会对你敞开心扉

And I wanted to be honest with you because you were honest with me.

我跟你实话实说 是因为你对我也很坦诚

You asked me to be honest. I'm being honest.

你们说叫我坦白 我是在坦白啊

But I can only be honest with you if you are honest with them.

但若要我对你诚实以待 你就必须对观众实话实说

And if we're being honest, let's keep being honest.

如果我们彼此坦诚 就要一直这样

I'll be honest with you when you start being honest with me.

你对我诚实 我自然会对你诚实

If you're not real and honest with me, if you're not real and honest with yourselves, and if you're not real and honest with each other, then this whole thing is bullshit.

如果你对我不真诚 如果你对自己不真诚 如果你对彼此不真诚 那么这剧就是狗屁

And you being honest with me makes me want to be honest with you.

你跟我说实话 也让我想跟你说实话了

That's 'cause I was honest about it, and maybe too honest.

那是因为我毫无保留 可能还有点过于坦荡

We are doing honest work for honest wages.
