
音标/读音 [di'kei]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 衰退, 腐败
v. (使)衰退, (使)腐败

n. the process of gradually becoming inferior
n. a gradual decrease; as of stored charge or current
n. the organic phenomenon of rotting
n. an inferior state resulting from the process of decaying



If you see decay, it's because there's decay.

如果你看到了衰老 那是因为本来就衰老

This is how it ends in flames and decay.

却落得如此下场 化为灰烬

All there is here is loss, betrayal, and decay.

这里只有失去 背叛和衰败

If the decay progresses, I'll have to remove more of your leg.

如果腐烂加重 我只能多切除一截腿

With this kind of decay, it is tough to determine.

在这种程度的*下 很难确定

Our bodies die and decay as yours will.

我们死了也会腐化 跟你们一样

She wouldn't be hosting a ball in a decaying mansion.


But the decay rate of the lattice is too unpredictable.


It's about protecting the people from cultural decay.


I cannot knowingly contribute to your moral decay.
