
音标/读音 ['dʒigl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

v. (使)轻摇, (使)微动
n. 轻摇, 微动

v. move to and fro



Right, and if anything jiggles in here, they're going to jiggle it more.

是的 如果他们发现里面有东西晃来晃去 他们就会更用力的摇晃

Marlon, you shouldn't be jiggling him around.

马龙 你不该把他摇来摇去

Remember, you got to turn it and jiggle.

记住 你必须*去再晃几下

I'll say you made me jump up and down until it jiggled.


I tried to jiggle it, but the handle wouldn't budge.

我尝试摇晃它 但把手并没有动

You gotta jiggle it, 'cause it sticks.

你得*去晃一下 因为会卡住

Just have to jiggle the handle on the toilet if it runs.


We tried the carrot to jiggle this chump's memory.

让他恢复记忆 我们来过软的了

cyber finger in it, jiggle the handle, and unlock it for me.

机械手指*去 转几下 然后帮我解锁

It is, like I always see booty jiggling.

就是... 我总能看到扭臀