
音标/读音 ['siŋsɒŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 单调无味, 单调的歌
a. 单调的
v. 单调地唱

n. a regular and monotonous rising and falling intonation
v. speak, chant, or declaim in a singsong
v. move as if accompanied by a singsong



And I experience a proper campfire singsong.


Well, see, you can't singsong like that unless it's a yes.


I thought we was having a singsong, not putting on a bloody rock concert.

我以爲我們就是唱個歌 不是來開見鬼的搖滾音樂會的

The originals had strange singsong voices, clothlike faces and hands that retained their human form.

初版赛博人声音怪异起伏 脸部像块布 而他们的手还保持着常人的形态

I know you must be nervous about performing in front of a label, but just try and imagine you're all in a pub somewhere holding a pint, having a good old singsong.

我知道在一個唱片公司面前表演 肯定讓你很緊張 努力試試吧 就當是在一個酒館 那樣的地方吧 握着一杯啤酒 唱着一首動聽的老歌