
音标/读音 ['dєә.devәl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 铤而走险的人, 蛮勇的人
a. 蛮勇的, 不怕死的

n. a reckless impetuous irresponsible person
s. presumptuously daring



Daredevil has not been active in this city for a while.


Some daredevil with a sick sense of humor.


He was a daredevil, wanted to be like his dad.

他很鲁莽 想和他爸爸一样

Daredevil is our suspect. I'm assuming command.

夜魔侠是我们的疑犯 我要接管指挥权

I'm not a daredevil. I know my body's limits.

我可不是夜魔侠 我了解自己身体的极限

I hear that you've worked with a few daredevil skydivers.


Daredevil will know it's a trap, but he'll come anyway.

夜魔侠会知道这是陷阱 但他还是会来

Daredevil practiced vigilante justice in our backyard and we applauded him for it.

夜魔侠在我们的地盘充当义警 我们反而对其称道

I'm a daredevil, I'm gonna absolutely destroy the next few games, you know.

我胆子很大的 我要完胜 接下来的几场比赛

For some daredevils, in the roar of the big waterfall, they hear a call to test their nerves.

对一些胆大的人来说 水流的轰鸣声 仿佛在召唤他们去冒险