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◎ 单词释义

n. 活泼好动; 难以驾驭

n. characterized by nervousness and quickness to take fright



But the studio was very skittish about it.


Too skittish to be near a predator like that.


And the last thing we need is a skittish ambassador.


But now he has to catch it, and sharks are notoriously skittish.

但现在 他必须抓住它 而鲨鱼又是出了名的反复无常

She's so wild and skittish. I'm just gonna say it.

她那么狂野轻佻 我话就放在这里了

Places that even the most skittish source would be comfortable in.

是一个连最胆小的线人 都能泰然自若的地方

You pretend like you're putting a saddle on a skittish horse.


Sir, I know that you were skittish about instituting these policies from the beginning.

阁下 我知道从一开始 你就对实施这些政策持怀疑态度

And, uh, you know, people are a bit skittish of strangers.

你也知道 人们对陌生人会有些害怕

He was locked in my room, because he gets skittish around crowds.

它被关在我的房间里 是因为人多的场合 它会容易受惊