
音标/读音 ['stʌntid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 成长受妨碍的, 发育不良的
[医] 发育障碍的, 短小的

v check the growth or development of
v perform a stunt or stunts
s inferior in size or quality



He did stunt. It was a stunt. It was a stunt.

他惊呆了 真的惊呆了 真的

You have a stunt bottom? I could have a stunt bottom, yes.

你有臀部替身吗 我可以有啊

I leave that stunt shit for the stunt people.


It is not a stunt! It is not in the script.

这不是特技 剧本里没有这段

Krispin... It was a publicity stunt.

克里斯宾 这只是公开作秀

I should suspend you for that little stunt.

就为你那一脚 我应该让你停职

But these wings are stunted and tattered.

但它们的翅膀发育不良 残破不堪

Though to be clear, I did do most of my own stunts.

不過要說清楚 大部分特技都是我親自上的

That stunt with the cameras, that wasn't cool.


After that stunt, this is now you as well.

刚才一通闹 现在连你自己也搭进去了