
音标/读音 [ˈtaɪbreɪkə(r)]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 抢7决胜局; 线路中断器

n. overtime play in order to break a tie; e.g. tennis and soccer



I guess I'm stuck with the tiebreaker.

平局 看来决定权在我了

Good thing we'll have you as a tiebreaker.


I wish there was someone in the office who could act as a tiebreaker.

真希望办公室还有人 这样就能打破这个僵局了

Emma will once again draw from the bucket for the tiebreaking challenge.

艾玛将再次 从桶中抽出决胜局比赛内容

Okay, folks, time for our tiebreaker question of the night.

好了 各位 下面是今晚的决胜一题了

Tiebreaker event... whoever wins this, wins the whole thing.

这就是决胜比赛 只要赢了这个就赢了

I mean, from what I heard, it looks like I'm the tiebreaking vote in this timeshare versus new loan decision.

據我所知 是采用分時享用 還是繼續貸款 決定票在我手里