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◎ 单词释义

n. 筛子, 滤网
vt. 筛, 滤

n. a strainer for separating lumps from powdered material or grading particles
v. check and sort carefully
v. distinguish and separate out



Tried to apply pressure but he was a sieve.


I blend in sieved strawberries to make a luscious puree.


Last guy working the sieves, most like, from his colouring.

看他的肤色 很可能是拾荒的

Turns out, the place leaks like a sieve when it rains.


Basically, the entire chicken is *ashed and pressed through a sieve.

简单来说 就是把整只鸡压碎 再放进滤网过滤

Mash two kiwis through sieve to get rid of all the seeds.


You could go through this sand with a finemesh sieve, and not turn up anything new.

你可以把这里的沙子用细筛网过一遍 也不会有什么新东西的

You could go through this sand with a finemesh sieve and not turn up anything new.

你可以把这里的沙子用细筛网过一遍 也不会有什么新东西的

Take a papaya, scoop up the fresh, mash, press through a sieve into a separate bowl.

取一只木瓜 舀出果肉 捣烂 过筛入另一只碗中

Seeing a flash of fool's gold in the sieve or a musket flash that doesn't shoot a bullet.

在筛子里瞥到了黄铁矿 或是火枪冒火光 却没发射出子弹