
音标/读音 [fәu'netikli]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 按照发音地, 语音学上

r. by phonetics



The phonetic rhythm *is* similar but I don't recognise any of the words.

发音节律很类似 可我听不出任何单词

Sometimes they pronounce it phonetically and sometimes it sticks.

有时他们会好好发音 有时就会连读

The current trend in branding is unique, simplistic, phonetically memorable gibberish.

当下品牌的趋势是要与众不同 简单易懂 发音易记的胡说八道

You'll say the phonetic alphabet near that bag, and these sensors will record the ripple waves on the bag that correspond with each sound.

你要在那个包装袋附近 说音标字母 这些探测器会记录下 包装袋上与每个音标相对应的波纹