
音标/读音 [in'kælkjulәbl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 无法计数的, 无数的, 不可预料的

a. not capable of being computed or enumerated



What are the chances of that occurring? Incalculable.

这种巧合的几率大吗 小到无法计算

...and with incalculably greater speed and reliability.

并具有无法计算的 较大速度与可靠性

The threat to public safety will be incalculable.


The advancements it'll garner are incalculable, but, sir, I need to know what you're doing here.

我们即将获得的进展是无法估量的 但是我想知道您打算干什么

I think the damage done to our democracy, relative to facebook and its platform being weaponised, are incalculable.

我认为脸书公司及其平台沦为*武器 对*造成的伤害 是不可估量的

So what you have here is, if I can call it that, a hub of incalculable importance to the industrial and commercial life of this nation more than 200 years ago.

所以这里其实是 如果我可以这么说的话 是两百多年前 其重要性无法估量的 英国工商业生活的枢纽