
音标/读音 ['dʌfәl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 粗呢, 露营用具

n. a coarse heavy woolen fabric



You want the duffel, that's where it is.

你想拿到行李袋 只可能在那儿

He's in the back with the duffel bag.

他坐在车后部 背着一个桶包

Give me that duffel over there, and I'll tell you.

把那边那个露营包给我 我就告诉你

Instead he stuffed it in a duffel with rocks.

可是他却把孩子塞进旅行袋里 还放了石头

I put your teddy in the bottom of the duffel.


I got an unattended duffel by the arch.


It's to see if he gave me a duffel bag, and he didn't.

你想知道他有没有给我一个行李袋 他没有

She killed herself so I could get the duffel bag.


As soon as I get the duffel bag, he's all yours.

只要我拿到行李袋 他随你处置

What I need is that duffel bag, and I'm about to get it.

我只需要那个行李袋 而我就要拿到了