
音标/读音 ['weðәmæn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 气象员;天气预报员

n. predicts the weather



Bob, I'm a new*an. I'm not a weatherman.

鲍勃 我是新闻主持 不是天气播报员

Let's you and me go talk to the weatherman.


I thought playing a weatherman was beneath you.


Like a chopper pilot or a weatherman.


This is the badassest storm this weatherman has ever seen.


You look like an alcoholic former weatherman.

你就像 酗酒的前天气预报员

Jug, I don't care what my mom or the weatherman are saying.

猪头 我不管我妈或天气预报怎么说

I don't need a weatherman to tell me which direction this wind is blowing.

我不需要别人 来告诉我风声什么样

You know after he was so wrong about that chopper weatherman's a pretty good job for that geek.

你知道吗 当他搞错了直升机的事儿后 我现在觉得天气播报员的活儿挺适合他

and it ruined the play, and he was humiliated, and that was the night his mom left his dad for the local weatherman.

毁了那个剧 他很羞愧 而且当晚 *为了当地气象员离开了他爸