
音标/读音 ['lænθәnәm]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 镧
[化] 镧La

n. a white soft metallic element that tarnishes readily; occurs in rare earth minerals and is usually classified as a rare earth



There is no lanthanum here, we looked.

這里沒有鑭 我們檢測過了

Second, I just told you that one day, lanthanum is gonna be more valuable than oil.

其次 我剛剛告訴了你 有一天鑭會比石油更有價值

There's a lot of players, there's a lot of big players, because someday soon, when electric cars are the only ones anyone will make, lanthanum is gonna be more valuable than gasoline.

有很多玩家 很多大玩家 因為在不久的將來 當人們只生產電動汽車的時候 鑭會變得比石油更有價值