
音标/读音 ['rivit]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 铆钉
vt. 用铆钉固定, 敲进去, 注目, 吸引住

n. heavy pin having a head at one end and the other end being hammered flat after being passed through holes in the pieces that are fastened together
v. fasten with a rivet or rivets
v. hold (someone's attention)



After that, it's just a matter of a few rivets.

然后 就只需要几个铆钉就搞定了

They they were probably riveted to the jury.


Oh, this is riveting, I can't breathe.

这简直太精彩了 我都喘不过气了

James, this is very riveting, but it's irrelevant.

詹姆斯 这挺有意思 但是这是不相干的

Guys, look how you're all riveted by that video.

同学们 看这段视频让你们多兴奋啊

I would have said something sooner, but I was so riveted.

本来早就能开口的 但我听得太入迷了

Riveting. I didn't understand half of it, but it was sexy.

十分有趣 虽然我一知半解 但很有意思

deconstruct a ship down to its rivets in an instant.


All right, boys, this is riveting, but we have a prisoner to find.

好了 伙计们 你们的讨论很精彩 但我们还要去找囚犯呢

Or video of this riveting luncheon goes to the authorities.

否则这次午餐的视频 就会被交给当局