
音标/读音 ['kætfait]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 激烈的争辩



That's a catfight I don't want a part of.


In any language, all they want is a catfight.

无论是什么语言 他们都想看女人勾心斗角

I don't care. I'm not gonna make this into a catfight.

我不管 我才不要跟她撕逼呢

That doesn't mean that we're required to engage in a catfight.

但这并不代表我们要因为这事 而纠缠不清

Catfight! I'll look forward to a full report.

女人间的斗争 我等着听你的汇报

Breakin' up catfights in the shower by spraying 'em down with the hose.

用软水管喷倒她们 来打断她们的淋浴室大乱斗

As much as I enjoy a spicy catfight, we need to get out of here.

尽管我很喜欢看女人吵架 但我们得离开这里了

There's 32 cameras in this hotel, and I haven't seen a single catfight.

这家酒店里有32个监控 我连一次争吵都没看见过

He wants to leak some dirt to the gossip columns, you know, get a little catfight going.

他想向那些八卦专栏爆点黑料 让她俩撕起来

They use women as a cover to orchestrate a catfight to distract everyone so they can sit in dark rooms and *oke cigars and count their money.

他们拿女性作幌子 挑起女人间的内斗 混淆视听 这样他们就能在背后逍遥自在 坐收渔翁之利