
音标/读音 ['nimrɒd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 宁录(<<圣经>>人物,好猎手), 猎人

n. (Old Testament) a famous hunter



And now these nimrods are terrified for their life.

现在 这些呆瓜都担心自己的性命

Hey, nimrods, you're supposed to vent the gas, not inhale it.

猎人们 你们现在应该去排放气体 不是吸入气体

I'll be supervising you, because the last time we did this job, some nimrod fell off and busted his head clean open.

我会看着你们 因为就在上一次 有个好手摔了下来 直接脑袋开花