
音标/读音 [rʌmp]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 尾部, 臀部
[医] 臀部, 臀

n. fleshy hindquarters; behind the loin and above the round



This would be the rump section, where the rump comes from, which is basically the backside.

这是牛臀肉 它来源于 牛的臀部

It contains beef rump, and beef rump byproducts.

这里面含有牛臀肉 以及牛臀肉副产品

Steak and ale pie, I would go for the side rump, what we call the side rump up here.

牛肉麦芽酒派的话 我会选臀侧肉 这就是臀侧肉

Climb up on that rump, facing the south side.

从驴*那爬上去 开始倒骑驴

Rump's one of the best value steaks.


I can go to the butcher and pick out a nice rump.


Mato could sneak up on a deer in a glade and *ack it on the rump.

玛托能在林间悄悄接近一头鹿 从后面一掌把它放倒

He swindled her for all she's worth and now she's shaking her rump for tips.

他騙了她的全部財產 現在她只能搖著*索要小費

Oh, there's nothing disgusting about a tender, juicy rump roast.

鲜嫩多汁的后臀肉 一点儿都不恶心

The stegosaurus has a massive cluster of nerves above the rump, the sacral ganglion.

剑龙的臀部 有这大量的神经 骶骨神经节