
音标/读音 [kә'kein]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 可卡因, 古柯碱
[化] 可卡因; 古柯碱

n. a narcotic (alkaloid) extracted from coca leaves; used as a surface anesthetic or taken for pleasure; can become powerfully addictive



Other than cocaine, it is my cocaine.

除了可卡因 这是我的可卡因

You ever do cocaine? I did cocaine once.

你嗑過可卡因嗎 我試過一回

The cocaine takes the bottom off the heroin and the heroin takes the top off the cocaine.

海洛因游走完 可卡因又来了 可卡因游走完 海洛因又来了

I... I got peppersprayed by that woman, then we went back to her place, she gave me cocaine, and I pretended to do cocaine.

我被她喷了防狼喷雾 然后去了她家 她给我可卡因 我假装吸了

The customers to whom he sold cocaine, the suppliers from whom he bought that cocaine, and also about the many, many women with which he had shall we say, brief entanglements.

向他購買可卡因的顧客 向他出售可卡因的毒販 以及許許多多 與他有過短暫糾葛的女性

If I did, I wouldn't be asking you for cocaine.


So what did you do? I switched to cocaine.

你后来怎么做的 我改为吸可卡因了

I was doing cocaine because... I love it.

我在吸可卡因 因为 我很喜欢

This can't just be from the cocaine.


Here's the cocaine and here's your target.

这是可卡因 这是你的目标