
音标/读音 [in'hiәrәnt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 固有的, 与生俱来的
[医] 固有的, 生来的

s existing as an essential constituent or characteristic
s in the nature of something though not readily apparent



This doesn't make sense to my inherent nature and my inherent being of oneness and completeness and, like, a unified whole.

我实在不能理解 在我的内心深处 那个完整统一的自己

There's an inherent contradiction in who this unsub is.

关于嫌犯的身份 有个内在矛盾

But only because of the way we deal with it, not because it's inherently bad.

但那只是因为我们没有正确对待它 不是因为*本身不好

We inherently trust no one, including each other.

我们天生就不信任任何人 也包括彼此

You both have inherent reason to point the finger at each other.


You think people are inherently good, but they are not.

你认为人类性本善 但其实并非如此

An invitation isn't inherently wrong or dangerous.


I'm just saying that there is an inherent huh.


We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior.


She knew this inherently, being naturally trusting herself.

她本能地知道了答案 并且自然地相信了自己的判断