
音标/读音 ['mɑ:kʌp]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 涨价, 利润, 标高价

n. the amount added to the cost to determine the asking price
n. detailed stylistic instructions for typesetting something that is to be printed; manual markup is usually written on the copy (e.g. underlining words that are to be set in italics)



Damn, that's ten more than my street markup.

该死 这是我街上利润的十倍多

Don't touch the minibar, the markup's outrageous.

别碰小冰箱 里面的东西都贵得离谱

You break it, we fix it and charge you the military markup.

你们搞破坏 我们来修复 并给你们开张相称的账单

The markup's pretty high on the black market.

拿到黑市上卖 利润非常丰厚

We're also willing to allow an extra 5% in markups if you do the work offbook.

如果你同意私下帮我们 我们愿意再给你加5%

We honor the fallen by hiring a limousine and paying a 600% markup on wine and spirits.

我们太享受撒钱的感觉了 租辆豪车 买比标价贵五倍的 葡萄酒和烈酒

They charge inmates a dollar a minute to use the phone, and then soak the government with a 300% markup.

他们向犯人们收取每分钟一美元的电话费 然后还从政府那里获得三倍的补贴

Well, it was in their contract they had to buy used equipment at big markups from people who had joined the company before them.

合同里规定了他们必须 以高价从先入股的人那里 购买二手设备