
音标/读音 ['blækbɒ:d]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 黑板

n. sheet of slate; for writing with chalk



Looks like our blackboard has been defaced.


Mostly, I do takeout and clean the blackboards.


He takes on restaurants that write their menus on blackboards.

他要聊聊那些 把菜單寫在黑板上的飯館

You know, he'll have to, like, erase a blackboard or go to detention.

得去擦黑板 或放学后留校

A dish that takes as much time to write on a blackboard as it does to cook.

下一道菜的烹饪用时极短 大概等同于在黑板上书写菜名的时间

I've been in a room just like this looking at a blackboard with a bunch of shit on it that's all made up.

我经过这样的房间 看着写满了文字的黑板 内容全是编造的

Even let him paint the wall all blackboard, so he could scribble his little puzzles up there.

我甚至让他把墙刷成了黑板 好让他在上面演算他的谜题