
音标/读音 ['kju:dәu]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 奖赏, 光荣, 荣誉



Well, kudos to him for being creative and kudos to you for bringing back the word pecker.

这孩子这么有想象力 厉害 而你刷出了"小丁丁"这么复古的词 也很优秀哦

So, kudos to you for figuring me out.


But kudos to you for being up on your geography.


And kudos to you for not letting your upbringing drag you down.

你出身富贵 却没有富贵病 真好啊

Hitler is survive, so, kudos on a good control.

希特勒活了下来 名誉保全成功

Although, I hear that you're a highlyfunctioning alcoholic, so kudos for that.

不过我听说你是个能正常生活的酒鬼 厉害啊

Oh, didn't know there was a liquid "u" in kudos.


First of all, I don't know who came up with having a candlelight meeting, but kudos.

首先 我不知道谁想出了 烛光互助会的主意 但是太赞了