
音标/读音 ['mʌtn]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 羊肉

n meat from a mature domestic sheep



Mutton is mutton and turnips is turnips.

羊肉就是羊肉 萝卜就是萝卜

Nigel combines the diced mutton, the mutton bacon and sliced kidneys in a bowl and then adds the black peas.

奈杰尔把切成块的老羊肉 咸羊肉和羊肾片放在一个碗里 然后加上黑豌豆

From lamb or mutton, you would get that more.

用羊羔肉或者羊肉的话 油脂会更多

Try not to overseason the mutton, if you would.

不要把羊肉烤焦了 如果你准备了的话

Here we have got some shoulder and neck of mutton.


Tom, mutton it's the meat of warriors.

汤姆 羊肉哦 战士吃的肉

There are still mutton pies about, but not so many.

现在还是有羊肉派的 但不多了

Yeah, I'd know those mutton chops anywhere.

对 不管到哪儿我都认得出这羊排络腮胡

But predominantly, biryanis are made with meat, or mutton.


We have got the kidneys and we have got some mutton bacon.
