
音标/读音 [ri:'freiz]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 改述, 改撰

v express the same message in different words



All right, I'll rephrase that. I'm done.

好吧 我重新组织语言 我不干了

Let me rephrase that, humanity needs you.

简单来说 是人类需要你

Uh, no, I'll just rephrase. If I may.

没有了 我重问一下 如果可以的话

I'm sorry, let melet me rephrase that.

对不起 让我重新说一次

That is a broad and leading question. I'll rephrase.

这是一个诱导性问题 我重新问

Let me rephrase that before you punch a hole through my face.


I would say to rephrase something from moments ago, duh doi.

我想给刚刚说的换个说法 嘟嘟

Let me rephrase that: if you play the part of a girl, people will make fun of you.

让我修正一下我的措辞 如果你去扮女生 别人一定会取笑你