
音标/读音 [.kɒndi'senʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 屈尊, 傲慢态度

n. the trait of displaying arrogance by patronizing those considered inferior
n. a communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient
n. affability to your inferiors and temporary disregard for differences of position or rank



Oh, I won't stand for your condescension.


I have a very low tolerance for condescension.


Do me a favor and talk to me with a little more condescension.

拜托 和我说话别那么高人一等

If you'd step off that train of condescension I'll explain.


We accept your help, but never your condescension.

我们接受你们的帮助 但不接受你们的贬低

I used to find your condescension sort of adorable.


A pithy retort laced with just a hint of condescension.

简洁的反问 还有一点屈尊的态度

A main course of government propaganda with a side of condescension.

带着屈尊俯就一面的 政府宣传类的课程

Okay, it's hard to avoid condescension when you're literally below me right now.

你们真比我低贱的话 我还真挺难不秀优越

She's finally coming out of her shell, and you're forcing her back in there with your arrogance and condescension.

她好不容易不再封閉自我 你卻用你傲慢又居高臨下的態度 把她逼回自己的保護殼裏