
音标/读音 ['nәutis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 注意, 布告, 通知, 预告, 短评
vt. 注意, 通知, 评论, 提及, 关注
vi. 注意

n. an announcement containing information about an event
n. the act of noticing or paying attention
n. advance notification (usually written) of the intention to withdraw from an arrangement of contract
n. polite or favorable attention



I noticed. I've noticed you noticing.

我发现了 我发现你发现了

You don't think I've noticed, but I've noticed.

你以为我没发现 其实我注意到了

It's a superpower: don't notice me, but notice me.

这是种超能力 你注意不到我 但我却在人群中显现

You think they don't notice, but they notice.

你以为他们没有注意到 但其实他们都有数

Well, I definitely noticed you noticing me.


You tell her you been noticing her noticing you, and you like it.

你说你注意到她也在注意你 你喜欢

This isn't a demolition notice. It's a notice of extermination.

这不是则拆迁通知 这是灭绝警告

I was hoping that if you noticed me noticing them, you'd have coffee with me.

我当时想要是你看到了我 看到了美景 你能陪我喝杯咖啡

You thought nobody would notice, but I noticed.

以为别人注意不到 但是我留意到了

I noticed... I noticed little things at first.
