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◎ 单词释义

n. 玛戈特(Margaret 的昵称)(f.)



Margot, I have to show you something.

玛格特 我得给你看点东西

Margot's happiness is more important than her suffering.


Margot, I wish you would let me explain.

玛格特 我希望你听我解释

Margot and I, we researched you and your life very carefully.


Margot gets something on me. I get something on her.

玛格特知道我的底细 我也了解她

Margot gets something on me, I get something on her.

玛格特知道我的底细 我也了解她

Margot, I'm guessing it's a lot harder than you think it is.

玛格特 我觉得这应该没你 想的那么容易

Margot darling, you'll need to be directly across from him.

亲爱的玛格特 你就站他对面

Margot has just always had this spirit in her on her own terms.

玛戈特总有一种 非做不可

Margot's not gonna forget you put a gun to her head.
