
音标/读音 ['bʌntʃiŋ]
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[计] 捆札, 聚束, 胶合

v form into a bunch
v gather or cause to gather into a cluster



There's a bunch here and a bunch more down there.

这边有好多 那边还有更多

Most importantly, I had a bunch of friends and a bunch of dates.

更重要的是 我有很多朋友 还有各种约会对象

I got a bunch of shafts, a bunch of balls.


No, this family that I work for they got a bunch of farms a bunch of 'em.

没有 但是我老板家里 有好多田地 一大堆地

Yeah. It's like a bunch of skunks fighting a bunch of diapers.

闻到了 就像一群臭鼬和一堆尿布打架

You killed a bunch of my guys, so now I have to kill a bunch of your guys.

你杀了我好多手下 所以现在我也得杀一群你的手下

you killed a bunch of my guys, so now I have to kill a bunch of your guys.

你杀了我好多手下 所以现在我也得杀一群你的手下

A bunch of 'em left, but a bunch of 'em are trying to close that gate.

一部分人逃了 但也有一部分人在试图关上门

I could put a concert together with a bunch of friends, raise a whole bunch of money.

我可以找一些朋友 弄場音樂會 能籌一大筆錢

I don't want a bunch of I don't need a bunch of guys watching me fall on my ass all day.

我不想让一群男的 整天盯着我的*看