
音标/读音 [bəʊ'hʌntə]
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◎ 单词释义




I'll remember that next time I'm being bowhunted.


Put the gun down, jackass. It's bowhunting season.

把枪放下 蠢货 这是弓箭狩猎季

I can't wait to get in the woods with my grandma and bowhunt some possum.

我早就盼着跟我奶奶去树林里 射几只负鼠回来

I spent my summers here bowhunting and branding cattle cleaning out the stables, clearing brush.

我在这里度过了很多个夏天 就射点小猎物 给牛烙个印 打扫打扫马厩 洗洗刷子

I spent my summers here just bowhunting and branding cattle and cleaning out the stables, clearing brush.

我在这里度过了很多个夏天 就射点小猎物 给牛烙个印 打扫打扫马厩 洗洗刷子