
音标/读音 [skæm]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 骗局, 诡计;故事

n. a fraudulent business scheme



There's always a scam. It's no scam.

总有些什么骗局 没有骗局

You know this scam? I invented this scam.

你知道这个骗局 这是我发明的

And he got arrested because it was a scam and our government is a scam.

后来他被逮捕了 因为那是骗局 政府也全是骗子

You can't scam someone who knows you're trying to scam them.

别人已经知道你是个骗子 就骗不到人了

Carl, it's a scam. It's always some kind of scam.

卡尔 那是骗局 向来都是各种骗局

if you can't explain the scam to a sevenyearold, you're probably the one getting scammed.

如果你没法向一个七岁的孩子解释骗局 那被骗的可能是你自己

This isn't a fundraiser, it's a scam.

这根本不是筹款活动 这是一场骗局

It doesn't exist because it's all a scam.

它不存在 因为一切都是骗局

Or to a resort where you're being scammed.


And we assume that that's about the pregnancy scam.
