
音标/读音 [.ʌn'du:iŋ]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 毁灭, 取消

n. an act that makes a previous act of no effect (as if not done)



I need to undo it, I absolutely have to undo it.

我得撤掉 一定要把这些拿走

The more that is there, the more there is to undo.

不尽早处理 只会越陷越深

Once you do this, there's no undoing it.

一旦你决定这么做 就无法反悔了

Doing it to her doesn't undo what she did to me.


Idea for a new app: an undo button that could undo long amounts of time.

一款新应用的构想 一个可以 取消很长一段时间的按键

Tampering with this symbiotic relationship may undo her, undo ourselves, and therein lies the rub with bioengineering.

若这种共生关系受到损害 她可能会遭到毁灭 也毁掉我们自己 所以生物工程才非常重要

I wish I could undo it, but I can't.

我希望我能撤销 但我做不到

If I could undo it, believe me, I would.

如果我能撤销这件事 相信我 我一定会的

...competition that was to be their undoing.


If I could undo it, I would. I swear.

我发誓 如果我能退回到过去的话我会的