
音标/读音 [mu:'sɑ:kә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

茄合(希腊的一道菜名, 盖以白酱汁和干酪然后烤熟)

n. casserole of eggplant and ground lamb with onion and tomatoes bound with white sauce and beaten eggs



Oh, there will be the tzatziki for the starter and vegetable moussaka for the main.

前菜我要酸奶黄瓜 主菜要蔬菜木莎卡

Oh, well, can't imagine people shooting your place up if all you're doing is serving moussaka.

的确难以想象外面子弹乱飞 你却安安静静地做着穆萨卡