
音标/读音 [mәu'ti:f]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 主题, 基调, 动机, 基本图案
[法] 主旨, 主题, 动机

n. a design or figure that consists of recurring shapes or colors, as in architecture or decoration
n. a theme that is repeated or elaborated in a piece of music



Maybe that's why the dream motif is so constant.


Motif, I have to manage this every three hours.

莫迪福 我每三个小时就要打理一遍

In retrospect, the ship motif was a little on the nose.

说起来 改成船舱风格太到位了

Motif, man, I love those characters you do onstage, man.

莫迪福 老兄 我超爱你在 台上表演的那些形象

Going for a kind of a hollowpoint special kind of motif.


And it has a very, very powerful death motif in it, which is that the central character dies.

《神秘博士》有非常强烈的主题 就是死亡 主角全部死了

Buddhist scenes began to appear as standard motifs.


I'm really digging the whole abandoned restaurant motif.


Motif, just don't let up until you see that shiny lease on your finger.

莫迪福 如果指头上不见那闪亮的小圈 一定不要轻易停下

The real clincher is the signature panda motif, just visible here.

真正起决定作用的 是这个签名 熊猫图案 就在这