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◎ 单词释义

n. 工作时间记录卡,考勤卡

n. a card recording an employee's starting and quitting times each work day
n. a card used with a time clock to record an employee's starting and quitting times each day



Thereabouts, yeah. It'd be on my timecard.

差不多吧 考勤卡上有记录

All the nurses need to sign off on their timecards.


Just wanna know if you could sign my timecard.


She denies it, but her timecards put her at the hotel when each of the incidents happened.

她否认了 但是发生这些事情时 她都在酒店

If you are not checked in at the beginning of my safety meeting, minutes will be deducted from your timecard.

如果你在这次安全会议开始 没有签到 考勤卡上会显示你这次会议缺席

And your timecard's punched enough holes to almost get you a free sandwich.

而且您的考勤卡已经打了足够的洞 能去换一个免费的三明治了

Keep those two in holding, and get me everything visitor logs, timecards, anyone on patrol.

关着那两个人 给我拿来一切 来访人员日志 时间卡 巡逻人员