
音标/读音 ['prɒpә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 适当的, 固有的, 高尚的, 专属的
adv. 完全地, 彻底地

a. marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness
s. having all the qualities typical of the thing specified; not just a snack"
s. limited to the thing specified
s. appropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs



I want him to see that we live proper, that we eat proper, in the proper way.

我要让他看到我们生活讲究 食物讲究 吃法讲究

Meaning that it had proper randomisation and proper blinding and proper reporting of outcomes.

意味着这些试验有合适的随机化 合适的盲选性 以及正确的结论报告

So, conduct it in the proper place at the proper time.


And I love a proper whiskey in a proper glass.


It's beginning to behave like a proper river, with a proper idea of itself.

它开始明白自己的使命 有河流该有的样子了

Providing that the 'experts' have done their job properly, and the geologists have checked out this area properly.

前提是专家们都完成他们的工作了 地质学家已经对地区进行了适当的调查

If we follow the rules, brush our teeth properly, eat properly, don't use rude words, and so on.

如果我們守規矩 好好刷牙 好好吃飯 不說髒話 等等

He was still really, really keen, that his cuff links were put on properly and that his shoes were done up properly.

他仍然那么精神 佩戴好了袖扣 打理好了鞋子

So, the thing is, they've got another hour to go before they can actually surface properly and have proper fresh air.

问题是 他们还要再潜一个小时 才能妥善地浮出水面 呼吸适宜的新鲜空气

And this sort of therapy can be effective with proper supervision, but without the proper guidance, it can have the opposite effect.

而且如果有妥善照料 这种疗法也可能奏效 但如果没有恰当的指导 很可能造成反作用