
音标/读音 ['ʌnkә'nektid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 不连接的, 分离的, 不连贯的, 无亲属关系的
[计] 非连通的

a. not joined or linked together
s. not connected by birth or family



What you're doing and what I'm doing, they're not unconnected.

你我在做的事情 并非毫无关联

Research laboratories unconnected to the government, unconnected to any business interests or any of that kind of stuff.

研究实验室和政府无关 和任何商业利益无关 和任何那些东西都无关

You can't separate the two as if they're completely unconnected.

你不能将它们分开 好像它们之间毫无关联一样

And all these fears and phobias wandering about, most are completely unconnected to us.

而这些四处游荡的害怕和恐惧 大多与我们完全无关

It was a lot of unconnected things that I didn't wanna connect and then they clicked together on their own.

有一些不相关的东西 我并没想将它们关联在一起 而现在 它们联系在一起了

Could be unconnected, but it sounds like they got into business with some pretty nasty people.

也可能无关 但听起来 他们招惹了不好惹的麻烦

Then, out of the blue, a totally unconnected child with the same type of speech defect was brought in to see them.

让人惊讶的是 一个拥有同样语言缺陷 却完全无关的孩子来到了他们面前

I am only resolved to act in a manner which will constitute my own happiness, without reference to you, or to any person so wholly unconnected with me.

我并没有说这种话 怎样做会幸福 我就决定怎样做 你管不了 任何像你这样的局外人都管不了