
音标/读音 [in'sɒmniæk]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 失眠症患者
[医] 失眠患者

n. someone who cannot sleep
s. experiencing or accompanied by sleeplessness



It's always a treat when an insomniac checks in the hotel.

我总是很高兴 每当有失眠患者住入酒店

You're an insomniac, and driving fast late at night helps you relax.

你是个失眠症患者 深夜开车狂飙能让你放松下来

An insomniac neighbor who spotted the light from a phone screen inside.

一个失眠的邻居 看到屋里有手机屏幕的亮光

Our viewers are shutins, insomniacs, stoner kids, people contemplating suicide.

我们的观众一般是自闭者 失眠者 瘾君子和有自杀倾向的人