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◎ 单词释义

n. 电解物, 电解质, 电解液
[化] 电解质

n. a solution that conducts electricity



is some electrolytes, something solid in your stomach.

一些电解质 一些充饥的食物

Twice the electrolytes at half of the calories.

两倍的电解质 但热量只有一半

Let me fix you a tonic to restore your electrolytes.

我给你点奎宁水 补充点电解质

Orange gatorade helps me replenish the electrolytes.


We need to check electrolytes, vitamins, and other stuff.

我们要测电解质 维生素 和其他东西

At least let me give him an electrolyte drink.


Anyway, it's really, really good for the electrolytes.

总之 这些对补充电解质很有益处

To make sure it's not dehydrated, feed him an electrolyte solution.

确保它没有脱水 喂他一勺电解质溶液

We can dilute it with an electrolyte, maybe make enough.

我们可以用电解液稀释 也许够用

Lemon and salt for the electrolytes, decongestant for the runny nose.

柠檬和盐补充电解质 解充血药止鼻涕