
音标/读音 [.eskә'peid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 越轨行为

n. any carefree episode



Oh, so your illicit, illegal escapades, they weren't for nothing.

所以你违法的行侠仗义之举 也不是毫无收获嘛

Your little chicken escapade gave me the perfect alibi.


So... kind of on probation, buddy, after your little escapade the other night.

有人在看着你 伙计 再像那晚一样过分可别怪我

I need to stop defining myself through sexual escapades with men.

我要停止通过 与男人的越轨性行为来定义自己

And they're still asking about your little, um, developingnations escapade.

而且他们还在关心你那小小的 第三世界恶作剧

In light of his latest escapade, maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing.

鉴于他最近的越轨行为 也许这也不是个坏事

You'll be pleased to know that your recent escapade wasn't entirely futile.

你应该很高兴知道 你近期的逃脱不是完全徒劳无用的

Potassium nitrate, make this the lockcracker for your little escapade tonight.

硝酸钾 好给你今晚要做的坏事撬锁

12:30 to 2:30, garbage escapade," I called it.

十二點半到兩點半 垃圾大冒險"

Your grace, I look forward to hearing tales of your hunting escapades.

大人 我愿洗耳恭听 您打击越轨行为的故事