
音标/读音 [bєә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 熊
vt. 忍受, 支承, 产生, 怀有, 通过卖空使跌价
vi. 忍受, 结果实, 压挤, 行进, 转向

n. massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with long shaggy coats and strong claws
n. an investor with a pessimistic market outlook; an investor who expects prices to fall and so sells now in order to buy later at a lower price
v. have
v. move while holding up or supporting



I cannot bear that burden, as you should not bear mine.

我承担不起 也不值得你们这样

I can't bear it. I can't bear seeing you unhappy with me.

我无法忍受 我无法忍受你生我的气

Oh, it's a bear. It's a teddy bear.

那是只熊 是可爱的泰迪熊

You see, she bears my mark, just as I bear hers.

她身上有我的印记 正如我身上也有她留下的

You screw the bear, the bear screws back.

你坑了俄国人 俄国人再来坑你

But before mama bear and then it's time to bring out the bear.

但在"熊妈妈" 然后请"熊"出场

He can't find his bear. I thought I got your bear.

他找不到他的小熊 我记得给你了

I will always bear my guilt, but I will not bear you.

我会背负 自己的罪 但你已与我无关

the only good water bears are dead water bears.


I did it to him because... I couldn't bear to do it to you.

我对他下手 因为我不忍心对你下手